While the romance of cruising still exists, today it has evolved from a mode of long-distance travel to an experience in itself. It is also a multi-billion dollar industry, with a wide variety of ships and itineraries on offer designed to attract all types of travellers and suit most budgets. Yet there are people who have yet to cross the bridge to a deep-sea vacation for a variety of reasons, with concerns ranging from the risk of seasickness to the thought of being stuck on a ship for a long time with people they might not like.

Travel far and meet people

Cruising is a great alternative to the "airport-taxi-hotel" vacation experience, which can bring you home exhausted and needing a vacation to recuperate from your vacation. Your floating resort takes you from city to city, or island to island, with the greatest of ease; all you have to do each morning is get up, get ashore and go exploring. Another major advantage is that you unpack only once, while having the possibility to spend each day of your trip in a different port of call or country. And thanks to a booming Australian market, with more ships to choose from and more places to cruise, cruising offers the exciting possibility of completely eliminating air travel from your holiday. And unlike other trips where you and your travel partners are in your own bubble, a cruise tends to be more social. Since you're in a confined space, chances are you'll see the same people over and over again, giving you a chance to get to know them.

Historical and less expensive tour

Ports of call are a major draw card for many cruise enthusiasts. Few land-based vacation options offer the opportunity to snorkel on a reef one day, shop for local crafts in a rural village the next, explore ancient ruins in a big city the next day and round off each day on board with a cocktail by the pool as you watch the sun set. Cruising the Nile offers travellers the opportunity to visit a number of different places in one trip. Of course, you can spend as much as you like on a cruise. But in most cases, taking a cruise is much cheaper than arranging flights and hotels in several different ports yourself. After all, cruises are all-inclusive, which means that you pay a fee and get all the transportation, accommodation, food and entertainment all included - instead of booking them all yourself.

A great family vacation option

Cruises offer families the opportunity to stay together while enjoying a separate vacation. Many cruises aim to create a vacation experience for the whole family, offering childcare where children can enjoy activities designed especially for them. At the same time, parents can enjoy some adult time. Many cruises also offer family-friendly entertainment for families who want to spend more time together. During a cruise, families can spend a week or more together without interfering with each other. Everyone can go their own way and then get together as a family for meals and other events.